Can we put a cardboard cup in the microwave?

Invented in the United States, the microwave only started to democratize in France in the 80s. Today, we can find it in the majority of households. 

Appreciated for its practical side, it makes it possible to warm and thaw all kinds of dish, but provided that the container is adapted. 

We will first see what are, in general, the materials that can go to the microwave without worries. We will see in a second step that there is an exception to the rule, and we will explain you thirdly how to choose your cardboard cups.

The general rule

When you heat your food in the microwave, it is important to ask you if the container can also go to the microwave without problem. Here is a list of materials to put in the microwave, and those that are not.

  • Glass: generally, glass and ceramic dishes can be put in the microwave, with the exception of certain crystal containers as well as hand done by hand. As long as your bowls, cups and containers do not contain paint or metallic inlay, there should be no problem.

  • Plastic: For containers intended for long-term use like Tupperware, you can completely put them in the microwave and in the oven. Regarding single-use plastic which is on your yogurt, your cheeses and others, it should not be used in the microwave. This is also the case for cracked, old or discolored plastic containers. 

  • Paper: Regarding paper plates, they are generally compatible with the microwave, but some are coated with a slight layer of plastic. Before passing your plate or bowl in the microwave, you should therefore make sure that an indication of compatibility is present. As for paper towels, you can completely put them on your food during heating to avoid splashing. However, you cannot use recycled paper towels or towels with patterns because they have a risk.

  • Stainless steel: if there is a material to avoid putting in the microwave, that's this one! Indeed, metal surfaces (iron, copper, steel, etc.) reflect microwaves, which increases heat inside your household appliances and can therefore cause fire.

  • Aluminum foil: Regarding aluminum foil, it can go to the microwave on the condition that its surface remains as flat as possible. Indeed, the folds and crumples of aluminum foil can produce sparks, and thus cause fires.

  • Carton: Finally, we advise you not to put your cardboard packaging in the microwave, because the cardboard can contain glues, waxes and other materials that can represent a danger. In addition, some boxes of food to take away are sometimes accompanied by metal handles or fasteners, which can cause sparks. So if you want to heat a pizza initially present in its cardboard box, we advise you to change for a more suitable container such as glass or ceramics.

The exception of the cardboard

Despite the fact that the box is strongly not recommended in the microwave, there is still an exception. Indeed, if on your Cardboard cup It is written "Microwave Safe" or the logo representing a microwave, you can put your cup in the microwave without any concern.

Note also for plates And cardboard containers: they can be put in the microwave, on the condition that the cooking time is short and that the foods that must be cooked have a low-fat content and humidity.

Choose the right cardboard cups

After having read some indications concerning the materials of your disposable dishes, we want to help you choose your cardboard cups. So above all, you still have a few questions to ask yourself. For what types of events should I order my cups? What drinks will I offer? What will my customers be? Are they ordered in order to promote my restaurant/trade/event? So many questions you have to ask yourself in order to offer an optimal service.

You must first ask yourself what types of drinks you want to serve. Indeed, the type of drink will initially influence the capacity of your cup, because some conceivals can be more suitable than others (depending on the drink chosen). On a cove, we offer different sizes of capacity. You can therefore choose from the cardboard cups: 10 cl, 15 cl, 18 cl, 21 cl, 25 cl, 33 cl, 40 cl, 5470 cl and 65 cl. 

Secondly, the cups ordered will be different depending on whether you want to serve a cold drink (water, soda ...) or a hot drink (tea, hot chocolate, etc.). If you want to serve hot drinks, you need to order double -walled cardboard cups, so as not to burn your hands or the cardboard weaken. If you plan to serve cold drinks, the simple wall cardboard goblets will go very well. 

Finally, it is up to you to decide the color of your cup. Frequently offered cups are white, but there are many other possible colors on covr. Upon request, you can also ask us to Customize your goblets !

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