DA managers: which cardboard goblet to use for automatic distributors?

The automata of Automatic distribution Hot drinks play an important role in the life of our contemporary companies and have been present for a few decades from everywhere: in business (offices or production workshops), in transport places (service stations, stations, airports, urban transport ... ) or places of life and leisure (hotels, sports and cultural centers, etc.)

What could be more pleasant and beneficial for social harmony than a coffee break or shared tea in front of the distributor, where everyone chooses their drink and then grabs a cardboard cup filled with a hot liquid with a smooth foam while discussing the subjects that Go to heart!

French employees attach particular importance to this rite, whether when they arrive at the office in the morning, in the middle of the morning or after lunch.

This moment of relaxation is deemed to have beneficial effects on the morale of employees and improve the productivity of teams thanks to the sharing of information and ideas that takes place at that time.

The coffee break has even been the subject of a study by IFOP in 2018, which showed that 9 out of 10 employees take a break with a cup of coffee during a working day. 43 % would even judge this coffee break absolutely essential!

This situation demonstrates the "social" consumption of coffee in France, unlike the "individual" consumption of other European countries or coffee goblets are led by employees to their workstation where they are bus to the computer.

It is fundamental that DA managers May use utensils (glass or ceramic cups, cardboard cups) that are suitable for their activity.

Let us analyze together what are the constraints of automatic distributors of hot drinks and therefore what type of Da cup Select in priority.

The reusable ceramic cups are increasingly used but have two major disadvantages: first they break easily, which can cause a risk to the safety of employees and the workplace if glass ends drag on floors or if employees cut their fingers by picking up the scattered pieces.

In addition, ceramic or glass coffee cups must be washed carefully after use, which is not easy to do (employees will generally rinse them quickly in the toilet tap) and can generate hygiene problems and hygiene and hygiene problems and hygiene problems and hygiene problems and hygiene problems and hygiene problems poisoning following bacterial contamination if the washing is not made with very hot water and a washing product. Not to mention the time spent looking for his cup at the bottom of her drawers and queuing to wash it ...

It is therefore preferable to invest in a dishwasher specifically designed for ceramic coffee cups: a new French start-up, Aum, has thus developed Auum-S, an innovative washing machine solution, which disinfects and dry without taking up more space than an office espresso coffee machine. Be careful however, the system only works with AUUM containers, designed for the machine.

The reusable rigid plastic cups have the advantage of not breaking but are made with raw materials from oil and have a sanitary unknown with the release of toxic plastic particles in liquids and possible endocrine disruptors.

The favorite option of employees as well as DA managers is The Carton Vending cup, suitable for automatic distributors.

Economical and practical, the Carton Vending cup For the DA is a product now well mastered, both by producers of cardboard cups, which use a specifically treated antistatic cardboard, an optimized weight and shape to fall into the gobeleteuses, as by the DA managers, who took the 'Use of manipulating cardboard cups with care during storage and transport in order to prevent them from ovally and thus block in gobletuses.

THE Cardboard cups Vending For the DA are more and more frequently recycled in food packaging, as part of a circular economy associating dedicated collection companies, which will come and seek the terminals where the used cups are stacked, and producers of paper- Carton, which will use the raw material to recycle it in new packaging (box cardboard, paper bags, molded fiber for cup holders, egg boxes, etc.)

The carbon footprint of Cardboard cups Vending has been measured many times by scientific studies to analyze the life cycle of packaging, which have demonstrated that they are the most interesting environmental solution.  

Another advantage of Da cardboard cups is that they can be personalized at very low cost with the brand of managers or that of their customers, who can also communicate on a business project or success and thus multiply the impact of the message.

Find them Da cups which suit you at COVR: we have a wide range of products available for professionals on the most usually used formats in DA: The cup 13-15 cl Da and the cardboard cup 15-18 cl Da But also the formats more suited to gourmet drinks from automatic distributors such as the 30-33 cl cardboard cup. All with the most competitive prices on the French market!

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