How do you recycle paper plates?

With increasing environmental awareness, recycling has become crucial for reducing waste. Cardboard plates, often used for their practicality and lower environmental impact compared to plastics, can be effectively recycled if properly prepared and handled. This article focuses on how to prepare cardboard plates for recycling and the options available for their treatment.

1. Preparing Cardboard Plates for Recycling

Preparing cardboard plates before recycling is crucial to ensure they are accepted by processing centers and do not contaminate other recyclable materials.

1.1 Cleaning the Plates

To recycle cardboard plates effectively, it's important to clean them properly. Here are the recommended steps:

  • Remove food residues: Remove as much food residue as possible. Food residues can interfere with the recycling process by contaminating the recycled paper and reducing the quality of the finished product.
  • Wipe off grease: Greases and oils can make the cardboard non-recyclable. Use a cloth or paper towel to remove visible grease. If the plates are too greasy, it's better to dispose of them in organic waste or compost them if possible.

1.2 Separating Plate Types

Cardboard plates may have coatings or treatments that affect their recyclability:

  • Untreated plates: These plates are made solely from cardboard or recycled paper and are generally accepted in paper and cardboard recycling programs.
  • Plates with PLA or wax coatings: These coatings make the cardboard more resistant to moisture and grease but can complicate recycling. It's important to separate these plates from untreated ones and check if they are accepted by specialized recycling centers.

1.3 Avoid Heavily Soiled Plates

Heavily soiled plates, even after cleaning, may not be accepted by recycling centers as they can contaminate the recycling stream. If they are too soiled to be recycled, consider composting them or disposing of them in the appropriate waste bin.

2. Recycling Options for Cardboard Plates

Once cardboard plates are properly prepared, it’s important to know the available recycling options to handle these materials appropriately.

2.1 Recycling at Specialized Centers

Recycling centers may vary in the types of materials they accept. Here are some tips to ensure your cardboard plates are recycled properly:

  • Check local guidelines: Contact your local recycling center for information on the types of cardboard plates they accept. Some centers may have specialized facilities for handling plates with particular coatings.
  • Recycling coated plates: Cardboard plates with PLA or wax coatings may require specialized recycling centers capable of handling these materials. Look for facilities that accept these types of products to avoid contamination of standard recycling streams.

2.2 Composting Compostable Plates

If your cardboard plates are made from compostable materials like PLA, they can be composted rather than recycled:

  • Industrial composting: Compostable plates should be sent to industrial composting facilities that can handle harder-to-decompose materials. These facilities maintain optimal conditions for decomposing compostable products.
  • Home composting: If you have a home composter, check if it can handle compostable materials. Ensure the plates are well composted to avoid contaminating your compost with non-degradable materials.

2.3 Organic Waste Management

When recycling is not an option, untreated and clean cardboard plates can sometimes be included in organic waste:

  • Organic waste: Some municipalities accept cardboard plates in organic waste. This depends on local regulations and the processing capabilities of waste management facilities. Make sure to check local policies before adding them to your compost bin or organic waste container.


Recycling cardboard plates involves careful preparation and understanding of the available options. By properly cleaning plates, separating them by type, and following local recycling guidelines, you contribute to more effective waste management. Whether you choose to recycle, compost, or manage organic waste, each step you take to handle cardboard plates appropriately helps reduce environmental impact. Make sure to stay informed about local practices to maximize the effectiveness of recycling your cardboard plates.

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