Which supplier to contact to buy cardboard cups?

We know that it is sometimes difficult to find the Cardboard supplier in whom you will be able to trust. This is why we have today decided to tell you about the different suppliers of trusted cardboard cup present on our marketplace.

We will first speak of the targets of this cardboard cup, then secondly of the various suppliers of cardboard cups. We will then discuss the different prices and volumes of the cups available on Covr, then finally, we will tell you about the possible purchase mode on COVR.

Who can buy cardboard cups?

The cardboard cup is accessible to everyone. Indeed, the cardboard goblet can have domestic and professional use.

  • A use for professionals ...

Following the many government prohibitions concerning dishes and plastic packaging, professionals must now turn to more sustainable solutions. In order to continue to serve customer drinks, it is now advisable to use cardboard cups, and if necessary, lids for cardboard cups.

  • … But also possible use for individuals

The cardboard cup is, as said previously, accessible to everyone. The individual can therefore use it for personal purposes to drink his drink (a coffee or a tea for example), or during various holidays (birthdays, rack hanging, picnics, New Year's Day, etc.). Little advice: hurry up to get cardboard cups because these days they become must-have! 

Types of suppliers

Within the various suppliers present on our marketplace, there are 4 which offer cardboard cups. Here they are.

  • Attis : This food packaging supplier has been present for over 20 years on the market. Attis Food Packaging provides you with a wide range of packaging, made from eco-responsible materials such as pulp or cardboard. 
  • Biosylva : Specialized in the art of the table as single use, Biosylva also offers to provide you with dishes and disposable products such as household products, packaging, hygiene products ... and all this by trying as much as these products be compostable .
  • Pou Garcia : This wholesaler offers to sell you products for table service and products for protection and hygiene. Garcia de Pou also offers to personalize towels, toppages, plates, cardboard cups, Kraft paper bags and paper and cardboard packaging for take -out.
  • Prestige Pack : This supplier, specialist in cardboard cup, offers a wide range of cups and covers for professionals. Their products are made so that they are recyclable, biodegradable or compostable.

Budget, cost and price for which volume 

On cocvr, you can find cardboard cups of different sizes and different designs (white, black, brown, with pattern, etc.). We know that it is sometimes difficult to choose from all the products offered, and that is why we have decided to expose you for price and control volumes so that you can read what is possible . 

  • 10 cl cardboard cup (4 oz): from 0.02 € to 0.11 €, for a volume ranging from 1000 cups to 15,000 cups (we also offer the palette - consult us for prices)
  • Carton cups 15 cl (5 oz): 0.03 €, for a volume ranging from 3000 units to 15,000 units (we also offer the palette - consult ourselves for prices)
  • Carton cups 18 cl (7 oz): from 0.03 € to 0.08 €, for an order volume ranging from 1000 to 15,000 cups (we also offer the palette - consult us for prices)
  • Carton cups 21 cl (7.5 oz): from 0.04 € to 0.06 €, for a volume ranging from 1000 units to 3000 units (we also offer the palette - consult us for prices)
  • Cardboard cups 25 cl (8 oz): from 0.05 € to 0.21 €, for a volume ranging from 120 cups to 10,000 cups (we also offer the palette - consult us for prices)
  • 33 cl cardboard cups (12 oz): from 0.05 € to 0.14 €, for an order volume of 200 to 10,000 units (we also offer at the Palette - Consult ourselves for prices)
  • 40 cl cardboard cups (14 oz): from 0.07 € to 1.02 €, for a volume ranging from 80 to 2,000 cardboard cups (we also offer the palette - consult us for prices)
  • 50 cl cardboard cups (16 oz): from 0.09 € to 0.29 €, for a volume ranging from 200 cups to 1000 cups (we also offer the palette - consult us for prices)
  • 65 cl cardboard cups (22 oz): 0.11 €, for an order volume of 1000 units (we also offer the palette - consult ourselves for prices)

Note, however, that the volumes mentioned do not necessarily apply to all models of cardboard cups. The prices vary according to references and suppliers. Prices can also differ depending on whether it is made for cold drinks or hot drinks. For more information, it is therefore advisable to look in detail our product sheets and/or to apply for a quote.

Buy online / in store / on catalog

Buying the products we offer at COVR in store is not possible. When you order, the products come directly from the stocks of the warehouses of our suppliers, there is therefore no place of physical sale of these products. The only solution is therefore to look at the catalog of products that we offer on our website.

However, you can contact us to discuss the paper cups you want to order, and for certain products, it is possible that we send you samples (shipping costs at your expense).

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